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  5. 【AS60 LED デジタル 音楽スペクトラム オーディオ サウンド レベル表示 VUメーター アナライザー アンプ
再入荷/予約販売! ファッション AS60 LED デジタル 音楽スペクトラム オーディオ サウンド レベル表示 VUメーター アナライザー アンプ rainbow-flower.sakura.ne.jp rainbow-flower.sakura.ne.jp

【AS60 LED デジタル 音楽スペクトラム オーディオ サウンド レベル表示 VUメーター アナライザー アンプ


【AS60 LED デジタル 音楽スペクトラム オーディオ サウンド レベル表示 VUメーター アナライザー アンプ


1. 60 segment and dual-channel design
2. Input voltage: DC 5V, audio dual-channel input
3. Has 7 kinds of classic display mode, you can set the mode by key
4. 6-level gain setting, long press the key for 3s to set
5. 10-level speed adjustment, long press the key for 1s to set
6. All adjustments with power-off memory
7. Size: 40*196*19.5mm

Key Operation:

Short press: mode adjustment;
Long press for 1 second: 10-level speed adjustment, the left top LEDs will correspond to light on, the more LEDs light on, the slower;
Long press for 3 seconds: 6-level gain adjustment, the right top LEDs will correspond to light on.

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The AS60 Stereo spectrum analyzer is very responsive to rhythm, accurate, dynamic, has concise appearance and high display accuracy the music visualizer has been Reserved mounting holes and input port to connect external Leads for modification
7 kinds of classic display modes: 1 columnar mode; 2 columnar with peak mode; 3 columnar with peak, peak upward moving out mode; 4 mirror mode, from middle to both sides; 5 single point mode; 6 single peak upward moving out mode; 7 single peak mode
Speed and gain: according to personal preferences to adjust the falling speed of 1-10 levels; 1-3 levels are gain attenuation, 4 level is 0 gain, 5-6 levels are gain amplification please adjust input volume and gain to make the LED spectrum display Amplitude at an appropriate range(4 level gain is the best)
Key operation: short press the Key to switch among seven kinds of classic display modes; long press the Key for 1 second to adjust among 10-level speed; long press the Key for 3 seconds to switch among 6-level gain all settings has power-off memory function
Powered by DC 5V, audio dual-channel input, please control the input level within 5V, too high will damage the chip; and it's better to use this spectrum analysers with filter Plate or shell to make the Brightness best

1. The monitor uses power and audio two-in-one input cable, USB terminal to supply power, the 3.5mm headphone plug is audio input, please use the attached audio branch to connect audio and AS60 to be your signal source.
2. Powered by USB DC 5V; AS60 will jump in disorder if your phone charger has large ripple, in this case please use computer USB terminal to supply power and test; it is normal that the display has slightly jump if the input doesn't connect headphones.
3. Please control the input level within 5V, too high will damage the chip; please use potentiometer to attenuate signal if you need to connect speaker directly.


Please do not use counterfeit phone chargers or unstable power supply or others which has large ripple, or it will cause background noise or cause damage to the product.

Package Includes:

1 x A60 Music Spectrum VU Meter
1 x Audio Cable
1 x 3.5mm Male to Female Plug

【AS60 LED デジタル 音楽スペクトラム オーディオ サウンド レベル表示 VUメーター アナライザー アンプ

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