EVANS エヴァンス ドラムヘッド G1 クリア TT10G1 G1 Clear (single-ply,10mil) 10インチ
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Evans TT10G1 10" G1 Clear Drum Head
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It was my first time ordering these colognes. Though I have seen them in souvenir shops, I wasn't 100% sure of my Japanese enough to buy them and the scent didnt exactly have what I was looking for. I love the scent of Gardenia, Frangrant Olive and Cherry blossom in nature so much I wanted a perfume that smells exactly like the real flowers and went on a long search to find them! First I will review The Cherry blossom scent. So far I haven't found anything that actually smells like real cherry blossoms and this is no exception. It smells more like a soap fragrance. It is a nice clean scent that can be worn to work or used on the subway as it doesn't smell too strong or perfumy. It just smells like you have washed your hands or taken a shower. It doesn't last long. The fragrant olive (also called Omanthus) was the most surprising. Out of the bottle, it doesn't smell at all like the flower, it actually has more of a petroleum-like scent, which is disappointing at first, however, I put it on my skin and gave it about 5-10 minutes and it smells EXACTLY LIKE THE FLOWER! Oh it's perfect! It lasts all day! I love it! The gardenia comes right out of the bottle smelling like the flower. Once it is on the skin, it has a very strong fragrance that lightens gradually throughout the day. I am satisfied with all 3 fragrances and will buy them as souveniers in the future as well to take back home to my friends and family!
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Evans TT10G1 10" G1 Clear Drum Head
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EVANSドラムヘッド|国内公式サイト:G1 Clear
Amazon カスタマー 5
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