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  5. 電動バリカン ヘアーカッター IPX7防水 2020年最新改良版 ヘアクリッパー 充電式 5段階調節可能 アタッチメント付きで 散髪用 ショート
【91%OFF!】 早割クーポン 電動バリカン ヘアーカッター IPX7防水 2020年最新改良版 ヘアクリッパー 充電式 5段階調節可能 アタッチメント付きで 散髪用 ショート rainbow-flower.sakura.ne.jp rainbow-flower.sakura.ne.jp

電動バリカン ヘアーカッター IPX7防水 2020年最新改良版 ヘアクリッパー 充電式 5段階調節可能 アタッチメント付きで 散髪用 ショート


電動バリカン ヘアーカッター IPX7防水 2020年最新改良版 ヘアクリッパー 充電式 5段階調節可能 アタッチメント付きで 散髪用 ショート

・【操作簡単】自宅で手軽に散髪ができる!コードレスで水洗い可能な使いやすいバリカン! 充電式で使いやすい!使用時はコードレスで取り回しがしやすく、自宅でのスタイリングやお子様の散髪などに大活躍!

Fully water resistant. IPX7 waterproof design can be used cleanly by washing it all with water. It is easy to care for. Easy to clean and keep clean. Blade cleaning brush is also included.・ Adjustable trimming. Two attachments can be replaced according to your application. Also the length can be adjusted with the dial of the main unit.・ Rechargeable and easy to use. It is cordless and easy to mix and match when in use so it can be used for styling at home or for your child’s hairs.・ Adjustable length with dial and attachment. Replace the two types of attachments and adjust the cut length using the dial of the main body. You can easily cut it to your desired hair length.・ Easy to maintain. Wash with water and clean The head can be washed with water. Easy to clean and clean after use. Blade cleaning brush is also included.・ Note: This product is imported from overseas lubricating oil is not included in the package. Thank you for your understanding. If you apply something like machine or sewing machine oil the blade will be less rust.・ Power Supply: Input/AC 100 V (50/60 Hz) output/AC adapter DC3 V - 200 mA. Built-in rechargeable battery: NiCad battery. Charging Time: Approx. 8 hours. Power Consumption: 3W Accessories: AC adapter cleaning brush comb 2 attachments (height adjustment function 0.2 - 1.2 inches (4 - 30 mm) 10 levels). Waterproof Protection Rating: IPX7.・ The display light will not go off even after a full charge.・ PACKAGES Body: ABS resin stainless steel. Attachment A (4 7 10 13 16mm) Attachment B: 0.7 / 0.8 / 0.9 / 1.2 inches (18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 mm) Dedicated adapter. Comb Cleaning brush.・ Precautions for Use: Please do not use in the bathroom or shower stall. There is a risk of electric shock or ignition. Please clean the adapter regularly to prevent dust from sticking to it. If dust is adhered to it it may cause a bad insulation due to moisture or other damage causing a fire hazard. Please check the blade for breakage or deformation before use. Tears or deformations of the blade may cause damage to the skin. When unplugging the adapter be sure to hold the adapter and unplug it without holding the cord. If you pull out the cord with it it may cause electric shock or short circuit. Please do not press the outer blade. This may cause damage to your skin.・ How to contact us: (If you have any inquiries we will respond to you within 24 hours. ) 1. Open your account service order history. 2. Click the seller name text link located on the right side of Sale: under the corresponding order. 3. Click on Contact Seller in the lower right of the store page to view details. 4. Please select the subject name in the inquiry content column and fill in a message if necessary before sending. If there is an initial defects on this product please contact us directly by email. We promise that we will work well until the very end.

電動バリカン ヘアーカッター IPX7防水 2020年最新改良版 ヘアクリッパー 充電式 5段階調節可能 アタッチメント付きで 散髪用 ショート


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