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I have bought several brands of BT waterproof (resistant) speakers in the past few years including Bose Colorsomething (headaches galore), Sony (nice lights but not necessary), Wonderboom (love it) and a few other off brands that were on sale. All were good and performed as expected at the price point.I am 70, retired, a musician and living on a beautiful beach in Japan. My ears are old as is everything else. My audiophile days are over but I still like quality. I was looking for a waterproof (yeah, sure) speaker that I could attach to a small, inflatable sailing dinghy and through the usual searches found the Tribit Stormbox Micro.Reading the reviews I was immediately impressed. I read reviews of those who had problems and was impressed by the fact that Tribit responded to each with a request for the buyer to contact them to make things right. That, in itself, is a prime selling point.I was going to buy one until I read about the stereo pairing capability, watched a couple of videos and pulled the trigger on two (about $85) . Expecting a two or three day wait, I placed my order at around 8 pm and had them the next day at noon. Can't beat that.Put both on separate chargers and they finished in less than an hour as they both already had about a 3/4 charge. One charger was my usual, the other was a large battery pack that I use for fast and backup support.Reading the reviews about folks having trouble with connecting for party mode and stereo I studied the book, tried to memorize the procedure and took a 2 hour break to do other stuff. Following that I grabbed my stuff, which included a beer, and headed down to the beach with the speakers.Once at the beach I paired and all was good. To save you time and to point out what I may have missed in the instructions, once paired, turn the speakers off. Turn them back on, push and hold the BT buttons on both at the same time and wait for the "party mode" message. Once that's done, momentarily push the BT button on one speaker and the "stereo mode" alert will sound. It took me a while to figure out the procedure even though I thought I had it down from other reviews.In review, pair, turn off, turn both speakers on. Press and hold BT button until chimes then release and wait for "Party mode" to sound. This will take some time for you to finally get the hang of it but don't give up. For stereo mode just punch the BT button on one speaker and you'll hear "stereo mode". There ya go. It took me a bit to finger all this out but once it's done you'll surely remember.Sound quality? For a speaker this size there should be no complaint. My test was original Eagles live "Take It Easy". Floored me and the my beautiful bride. Both speakers together are lighter than the Sony and sound better. Evaluate what your use will be but I can tell you that for me and with my experience this speaker paired is super outstanding!
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