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メディアを読み込めませんでした。?The soft, warm feeling of carpet under your feet makes the flooring a more attractive option for select rooms in your own home. But as is the case with many cheap rugs so is the story with this beautiful rug, when it arrived it was extremely soft and such a heavenly feeling under the foot, however soon I started to realize the truth behind this rug, drop some water, or juice or anything along with some food and your are in real trouble it's almost impossible to get it off without causing permanent damage to this rug. The rug is left covered for Noone to use is very durable (as is the case with the only covered surface). This rug is not meant for any durable use and that the biggest reason that it gets just a single star. If the durability can be improved I will would buy this again. If you want to wash it you have no choice buy to hand wash it since it will neve clean if you put it in the washing machine and if you use the carpet rollet the light fabric as feable as it is will rip right off. So before you make the purchase, just think, if you are willing to buy this rug at the risk of having it not look the same ever again in under 3 months and maybe having to replace it in 8 months or so go ahead at your own risk.Biggest draw backs:-Needs special maintenance-Needs to be replaced periodically-Easily picks up wear and tear/easily damaged-Cannot use carpet roller-Not spill proof-Not washable in washing machine-Since it holds a lot of dust and dirt that cannot be cleaned easily it's prone to causing many problems like respiratory diseasesPros:+Easy to Install+Quieter than regular flooring+Extremely soft at the Beginning+Hides a significant amount of Dust+When it arrives its quite like how the picture illustrates
もも@ 5
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マックス MAX ホチキス 木に打てる ホッチキス ガンタッカ TG-H