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  4. GMT: Next War: Vietnam
デポー オープニング 大放出セール GMT: Next War: Vietnam rainbow-flower.sakura.ne.jp rainbow-flower.sakura.ne.jp

GMT: Next War: Vietnam


GMT: Next War: Vietnam


For over 2000 years the Chinese have tried to dominate their neighbors to the south. The last time was 1979 when the PRC invaded Vietnam in response to the latter's invasion and occupation of Cambodia. That war lasted about four weeks before China withdrew, having declared its mission accomplished. Now, the old foes are at it once again. Sparring over the resource rich areas of the South China Sea, both sides have been slowly edging toward the precipice of war. That day has now come. Next War: Vietnam is the fifth game in the Next War Series. This game returns the action to Asia and the powderkeg surrounding the South China Sea. This time the Chinese don't intend a limited, punitive expedition; they intend to squash the burgeoning threat from their southern border once and for all and prove, through force of arms, that the South China Sea is theirs. Building on the naval rules showcased Next War: Taiwan, players will have a chance to fight over the Spratly and Paracel Islands once again, as well as the mountainous jungle of North Vietnam. If the U.S. gets involved, it might finally land troops in Haiphong Harbor and march on Hanoi, albeit as a relief force and an ally to its former enemy. The question is what will the rest of the region do? Will they join a side or stay neutral? Next War: Vietnam will also allow players to play a combined game with Next War:Taiwan, and, with the rules in the latter game, adding on NextWar: Korea as well for what would amount to the Pacific Front of World War III. Ownership of any previous Next War Series will NOT be required to play Next War: Vietnam Units: Next War: Vietnam primarily represents divisions and brigades of the armies of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV). All ground units are rated for their attack and defense strengths, movement capabilities, and unit efficiency. The Vietnamese People's Self Defense Force is represented both by units and special rules. Air units represent the fighter, bomber, and attack squadrons of the major combatants. They are rated for All-Weather Capabilities, range, average pilot skill and training, and their capabilities in Air-to-Air Combat, Close Air Support, and Strike missions. Naval units represent an abstraction of groups of ships (task forces) and allow players to conduct amphibious invasions, naval combat, naval gunfire support, and more. Maps and Terrain The game’s map represents the area in and around the northern border of Vietnam at a scale of roughly 7.5 miles per hex. The map stretches from just west of Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam to just east of Nanning, China and just north of the PRC-SRV border to a few miles south of Thanh Hoa, Vietnam. The Spratlys, Paracels, and other sea areas are represented by a Strategic Display incorporating Land Areas and At Sea Boxes similar to the one in Next War: Taiwan. Game System A game turn is composed of:Weather Determination wherein bad weather can severely hamper air and naval operations activity and can significantly slow ground operations.Initiative Determination and Air/Naval Phase, wherein Air Superiority levels and air availability are determined and Sea Control is established or modified.Special Operations Phases in the Advanced Game allow players to utilize their special operators in various recon and raid missions behind enemy lines.Strike Phases in the Advanced Game allow players to launch air strikes, cruise missiles, and artillery and SSM strikes.One or more Movement and Combat Phases that allow both sides to move, react, and fight, with an advantage to the Initiative player on non-Contested turns.Arrival of Reinforcements and ReplacementsVictory DeterminationCombat resolution examines not only unit strengths but also unit efficiency (representing training, doctrine, and morale), as well as the terrain where the combat takes place. The CRT tends to be very bloody in nature, reflecting what we believe will be a degree of attritional warfare early due to the lethality of modern weapons. As in many games, casualties represent not only actual combat losses but also losses of unit cohesion brought about by the rapid pace with which modern armies are able to engage and exploit on the battlefield.ScenariosThere are several Standard Game scenarios. Some are small and focus on limited objectives, while at least one will be a campaign game encompassing the entire map. Similarly to previous games in the series, the Advanced Game scenarios will be divided into various starting points representing different levels of build-up before the game begins.Next War: Vietnam puts you in command of the potential conflict. Can you, as the Chinese player, enforce your will on Vietnam and achieve your goals in the South China Sea, shaping your position in world affairs? Or will you, as the Vietnamese player, once again successfully defend against your larger northern neighbor?

GMT: Next War: Vietnam

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Amazon.com: GMT Games Next War: Korea (2nd Edition)Amazon.com: GMT Games Next War: Korea (2nd Edition)
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峠庵主人 3

GMT Games on Twitter: "Check out our latest InsideGMT article: "China's Red River Dance — Playing Next War: Vietnam (Part 4)" https://t.co/x3WOxFWQbQ https://t.co/eaedAp4Iwt" / TwitterGMT Games on Twitter:
アスカ46 3

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Unboxing: Next War: Vietnam from GMT Games - The Players' Aid - YouTubeUnboxing: Next War: Vietnam from GMT Games - The Players' Aid - YouTube
GMT Games Next War: Vietnam SEALED | eBayGMT Games Next War: Vietnam SEALED | eBay
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Unboxing Video: Next War: Vietnam from GMT Games – The Players' AidUnboxing Video: Next War: Vietnam from GMT Games – The Players' Aid
Next War Series】GMT「Next War:Vietnam」 - Wargaming EsotericaNext War Series】GMT「Next War:Vietnam」 - Wargaming Esoterica
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China's Red River Dance — Playing Next War: Vietnam (Part 1) | Inside GMT blogChina's Red River Dance — Playing Next War: Vietnam (Part 1) | Inside GMT  blog
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GMT Games - Next War: VietnamGMT Games - Next War: Vietnam
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GMT Games Next War: Vietnam SEALED | eBayGMT Games Next War: Vietnam SEALED | eBay
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Scarlett 5
It's very lovely gift for the Christmas :) I bought it for a friend of mine and since you can adjust the candle light by the remote control she was so pleased

Series: Next War (GMT) | Image | BoardGameGeekSeries: Next War (GMT) | Image | BoardGameGeek
侍ジャパン vs. 北海道日本ハム

2022年 NPBスローガン


2022 勝敗表

  試合 勝率
東京ヤクルトスワローズ東京ヤクルト 143 80 59 4 .576 -
横浜DeNAベイスターズ横浜DeNA 143 73 68 2 .518 8.0
阪神タイガース阪神 143 68 71 4 .489 12.0
読売ジャイアンツ読売 143 68 72 3 .486 12.5
広島東洋カープ広島東洋 143 66 74 3 .471 14.5
中日ドラゴンズ中日 143 66 75 2 .468 15.0



  • 打率
  • 本塁打
  • 打点
  • 安打
  • 出塁率
  • 盗塁
1 .318 村上 宗隆 (ヤ)
2 .314 大島 洋平 (中)
3 .306 佐野 恵太 (デ)
4 .300 宮﨑 敏郎 (デ)
5 .294 D.ビシエド (中)


1 56 村上 宗隆 (ヤ)
2 30 岡本 和真 (巨)
3 27 丸 佳浩 (巨)
4 24 2023 SALOMON サロモン S RACE SL 12 X12 TL GW スキー板 レーシング SL (巨) ほか2名


1 134 村上 宗隆 (ヤ)
2 87 大山 悠輔 (神)
2 87 牧 秀悟 (デ)
4 84 佐藤 輝明 (神)
5 82 岡本 和真 (巨)


1 161 岡林 勇希 (中)
1 161 佐野 恵太 (デ)
3 157 中野 拓夢 (神)
4 155 村上 宗隆 (ヤ)
4 155 坂倉 将吾 (広)


1 .458 村上 宗隆 (ヤ)
2 .376 大島 洋平 (中)
3 .370 丸 佳浩 (巨)
4 .365 宮﨑 敏郎 (デ)
5 .362 佐野 恵太 (デ)


1 30 近本 光司 (神)
2 24 塩見 泰隆 (ヤ)
2 24 岡林 勇希 (中)
4 23 中野 拓夢 (神)
5 21 島田 海吏 (神)



  • 防御率
  • 勝利
  • 勝率
  • 奪三振
  • セーブ
  • HP
1 2.05 青柳 晃洋 (神)
2 2.18 西 勇輝 (神)
3 2.26 今永 昇太 (デ)
4 2.46 大野 雄大 (中)
5 2.62 戸郷 翔征 (巨)


1 13 青柳 晃洋 (神)
2 12 戸郷 翔征 (巨)
3 11 大貫 晋一 (デ)
3 11 今永 昇太 (デ)
5 10 菅野 智之 (巨) ほか2名


1 .765 青柳 晃洋 (神)
2 .733 今永 昇太 (デ)
3 .600 戸郷 翔征 (巨)
4 .588 菅野 智之 (巨)
5 .556 森下 暢仁 (広) ほか1名


1 154 戸郷 翔征 (巨)
2 142 小笠原 慎之介 (中)
3 134 髙橋 宏斗 (中)
4 133 森下 暢仁 (広)
5 132 青柳 晃洋 (神) ほか1名


1 39 R.マルティネス (中)
2 38 S.マクガフ (ヤ)
3 37 大勢 (巨)
3 37 山﨑 康晃 (デ)
5 31 栗林 良吏 (広)


1 45 湯浅 京己 (神)
1 45 Y.ロドリゲス (中)
3 42 伊勢 大夢 (デ)
4 38 E.エスコバー (デ)
5 35 清水 達也 (中)


2022 勝敗表

  試合 勝率
オリックス・バファローズオリックス 143 76 65 2 .539 -
福岡ソフトバンクホークス福岡ソフトバンク 143 76 65 2 .539 -
埼玉西武ライオンズ埼玉西武 143 72 68 3 .514 3.5
東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルス東北楽天 143 69 71 3 .493 6.5
千葉ロッテマリーンズ千葉ロッテ 143 69 73 1 .486 7.5
北海道日本ハムファイターズ北海道日本ハム 143 59 81 3 .421 16.5

(取り寄せ)グリッパー37 体育館シューズ スクールシューズ 靴 ジュニア レディース メンズ


  • 打率
  • 本塁打
  • 打点
  • 安打
  • 出塁率
  • 盗塁
1 .347 松本 剛 (日)
2 .335 吉田 正尚 (オ)
3 .298 島内 宏明 (楽)
4 .296 今宮 健太 (ソ)
5 .283 中川 圭太 (オ)


1 41 山川 穂高 (西)
2 27 ギャップレスクッション ブラック ESSEXロゴ入 (楽)
3 24 柳田 悠岐 (ソ)
4 21 吉田 正尚 (オ)
5 18 清宮 幸太郎 (日)


1 .447 吉田 正尚 (オ)
2 .398 松本 剛 (日)
3 .375 山川 穂高 (西)
4 .373 島内 宏明 (楽)
5 .365 ほうえい堂・ひとつった外郎「ういろう」6本(10001483) (楽)


1 44 髙部 瑛斗 (ロ)
2 22 周東 佑京 (ソ)
3 21 小深田 大翔 (楽)
3 21 松本 剛 (日)
5 20 三森 大貴 (ソ)



  • 防御率
  • 勝利
  • 勝率
  • 奪三振
  • セーブ
  • HP
1 1.68 ユニット ステッカー標識 消火器→ 240×80mm PVCステッカー 82537 (オ)
2 1.94 千賀 滉大 (ソ)
3 2.01 加藤 貴之 (日)
4 2.20 髙橋 光成 (西)
5 2.95 伊藤 大海 (日)


1 35 平良 海馬 (西)
1 35 水上 由伸 (西)
3 34 東條 大樹 (ロ)
3 34 西口 直人 (楽)
5 28 嘉弥真 新也 (ソ)


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