Upper and Lower Back Pain Relief - Applies focused pressure along your spine to ease muscle tension, release knots, and control back spasms.
All Natural Hardwood - Sustainably sourced and coated with a non-toxic finish to keep your skin safe. High-quality, durable, and backed by U.S. Customer Service Reps.
Spine and Bone Support - The deep centered groove applies a consistent, effective, and targeted massage to increase mobility and range of motion.
Headache and Migraine Remedy - Place the roller under the base of your skull while laying down to use it as an occipital release tool for headache relief.
Easy To Use - Lie down and let your body weight do the work. The rubber grip rings allow for smooth rolling on any surface including tile, wood, and carpet floors.カテゴリー: マッサージャー メーカー: Body Back Company ブランド: 高さ: 38.7 センチ 幅: 6.4 センチ 奥行: 6.4 センチ 重量: 0.6 Kg
特別価格Body Back Company's Wooden Back Roller by Body Back Company並行輸入
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Amazon.com: Body Back Wood Back Roller, Spine Stretcher Aligner, Ma Roller, Back Cracker for Back Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery, Manual Back Massager, Wood Therapy Massage Tool (15 inch) : Health
Amazon.com: Body Back Wood Back Roller, Spine Stretcher Aligner, Ma Roller, Back Cracker for Back Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery, Manual Back Massager, Wood Therapy Massage Tool (15 inch) : Health
Amazon.com: Body Back Wood Back Roller, Spine Stretcher Aligner, Ma Roller, Back Cracker for Back Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery, Manual Back Massager, Wood Therapy Massage Tool (15 inch) : Health
Amazon.com: Body Back Wood Back Roller, Spine Stretcher Aligner, Ma Roller, Back Cracker for Back Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery, Manual Back Massager, Wood Therapy Massage Tool (15 inch) : Health