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For those who want to quickly see if this product is good, I can say that this product is good. I highly recommend it if you want a co2 laser that can get work done.Now for more detail. The Ten-High CO2 40W is the version I received. I got it as it was one of the only nice looking laser engravers that fit what I need for my company. The laser engraver comes with all the required parts you'll need to get it up and running. You will have to purchase a bucket and possibly a water chiller for the cooling solution. I personally have gone with an old CPU radiator with two 120mm fans to chill the water. It keeps my temperatures at 22.5c during use.I had a small problem after the engraver arrived, after inspecting the crate and the unit I couldn't find the rotary attachment and co2 tube hatch key. I immediately contacted Ten-High and within 30 minutes I got a reply. The customer support is amazing. They are now sending me a rotary unit and a co2 hatch key.You may be wondering why I have a laser engraved dog tag, if I can't check the CO2 tube first. Well I actually picked the lock to open the hatch and check the tube.The laser cuts and engraves very well. It can cut through plywood like butter, and can engrave aluminum very beautifully. This is a very good price for this CO2 laser. The laser itself is very high quality and will last you a long time with proper maintenance.The software that is provided is not bad Coreldraw isn't a bad bit of software, I am used to using Illustrator and CorelPaint, so I have some experience with using this software. I do miss using my LightBurn software, and if that is the software you wish to use, I recommend ordering the slightly more expensive Offline version. This allows you to use Lightburn. If the model you wish to order doesn't have an offline version, contact the company and it maybe available, just not on the Amazon store.I hope this review helps you with choosing your new laser engraver.
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