Ruifu チタン合金ナットM6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16カラフルなリアとフロントのショックアブソーバーホイールアクスルヤ
Ruifu チタン合金ナットM6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16カラフルなリアとフロントのショックアブソーバーホイールアクスルヤ
CNCカッティングヘッド フランジナット
商品コード |
52052303536 |
商品名 |
Ruifu チタン合金ナットM6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16カラフルなリアとフロントのショックアブソーバーホイールアクスルヤ |
サイズ |
M6 |
カラー |
Ruifu チタン合金ナットM6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16カラフルなリアとフロントのショックアブソーバーホイールアクスルヤ
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After shopping around on Amazon for a few weeks and looking at probably 15 different bikes, I decided to buy this one. For me, the following factors were important in my decision: small footprint, quiet operation, minimal design, adjustability, durable build, and overall value.For context, I have about 40 years of experience with a variety of bicycle-types, and currently ride a Trek X-Caliber 7, about 250km / month.Here are my ratings for what I think are important categories:Design 4/5Overall, I love the look of this bike! The charcoal black finish and minimal design remind me of the Cannondale Bad Boy series bicycles. It fits the motif of my home gym, perfectly.The only criticism I have is that the cycle computer mounting arm is a little bit long, which can get in the way when moving the bike around in small spaces.Function 4/5The adjustability of the seat post and handlebars enables comfortable use for a really wide-range of body sizes, I think. I was worried about that before buying, as I like a more “leaned-over”, racing position, rather than an “upright” position, but I could easily adjust everything to fit my preference.The magnetic resistance ranges from “easy” to “very difficult”, which is great. But probably the best thing is the amazing quietness of the wheel! I was cycling at a high speed and my wife came into the room and was super-surprised, as she literally couldn’t hear any noise coming from the bike! This was also something that I was worried about because I live in an apartment, but it seems like it’s not going to be a problem, at all.I haven’t had the bike that long, but it seems quite well-built so hopefully, durability will be good, over time. The bike has a 1-year warranty, so if anything happens, I can contact the company, which I refer to in the “Support” part of this review.The criticism I have is again related to the cycle computer: It’s functional, but not super user-friendly. The screen graphics are grayscale and pretty small, so not as visible as I’d like. The heart rate monitor seems to work, however. I use an Apple Watch for my workouts, so I’m not really concerned, but it might be something to consider, if you don’t use a separate fitness tracker.The polyurethane wheels make it easy and quiet to move around.Value 5/5Recently, there have been a lot of low-priced “spin cycles” available on Amazon. This one hits the “value sweet-spot” for me. Its mid-range price combined with its cool design, build-quality, and great customer support are exactly what I was looking for. I would recommend this bike.Support 5/5Customer support has been excellent! I asked a question via Amazon and received a response within an hour, in English, too!Plus, as mentioned above, the bike has a 1-year warranty.Overall 4.5/5So far, I am very pleased with my decision to buy this bike, and would recommend it, if your buying-criteria is like mine.
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